Samson and Delilah
Camille Saint-Saëns
[ New production ]
Opera in three acts
Libretto by Ferdinand Lemaire
Premiered at the Hoftheater in Weimar on 2 December 1877
La Filature
Spectacle présenté avec un entracte
Direction musicale Ariane Matiakh Mise en scène Marie-Eve Signeyrole Assistante mise en scène Sandra Pocceschi Collaboration aux mouvements Julie Compans Décors et costumes Fabien Teigné Assistante costumes Pauline Kieffer Lumières Philippe Berthomé Conception vidéo Marie-Eve Signeyrole Coréalisation vidéo Laurent La Rosa Chef de chœur Alessandro Zuppardo Orchestre national de Mulhouse
Samson Massimo Giordano Delilah Katarina Bradić High Priest Jean-Sébastien Bou Abimelech Patrick Bolleire Old Hebrew man Wojtek Smilek Philistine messenger Damian Arnold First Philistine Néstor Galván Second Philistine Damien Gastl Chœur de l’Opéra national du Rhin
Saint-Saëns' opera was inspired by the fascinating biblical story of Samson and Delilah, which explores the eternal struggle between cunning and might. Samson -- a warrior who draws his superhuman strength from his long hair -- is seduced by the beautiful Delilah. She removes his locks while he sleeps so her tribe, the Philistines, can finally defeat their thus-far invincible enemy. An epic and breathtaking oeuvre, Samson and Delilah is a masterpiece of French lyric art that bursts with stirring arias including the celebrated "Softly Awakes My Heart". The production is another wonderful chance to see conductor Ariane Matiakh in action. For the staging, Marie-Eve Signeyrole breaks from the traditional biblical mise en scène to give us a better sense of the ancient story's tightly woven themes of politics and human nature that still speak to us today.
In French
Overtitled in French, German