Box Office opening hours
From Monday to Friday from 12.30 to 18.30
One hour before the beginning of the performance that day
Reservation by telephone
T.+33 (0)3 68 98 75 93
From Monday to Friday, 10.30 to 12.30
Information by email
La Filature
Box Office opening hours and reservation by telephone
T.+33 (0)3 89 36 28 28
From Tuesday to Saturday from 14h to 18h
One hour before the beginning of the performance that day
Information by email
La Sinne
Ticket Office
From Tuesday to Friday from 16h to 19h
45 minutes before the beginning of the performance for that day
Reservation by telephone
T. +33 (0)3 89 33 78 01
From Tuesday to Friday from 13h to 16h
Information by email
Théâtre municipal de Colmar
Opening hours and telephone ticket service
T.+33 (0)3 89 20 29 02
Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 1pm
One hour before the start of each performance
Information by email
19 place Broglie - BP 80320
67008 Strasbourg
Place du Petit Broglie
67000 Strasbourg
19 place du petit Broglie
67000 Strasbourg
19 place Broglie
67000 Strasbourg
1 Place Hans-Jean-Arp
67000 Strasbourg
1 Pl. du Général Eisenhower, 67000 Strasbourg
67000 Strasbourg
11 rue de Nantes
67000 Strasbourg
1 Rue de l'Académie
67000 Strasbourg
8 Rue Boecklin
67000 Strasbourg
17 Rue des Francs-Bourgeois
67000 Strasbourg
Parc de l'Orangerie, Av. de l'Europe
67000 Strasbourg
9 PL de l'Université
67000 Starsbourg
1 rue des Francs-Bourgeois
67000 Strasbourg
1 place Dauphine
67076 Strasbourg
Place de Bordeaux
67082 Strasbourg
22 rue René Descartes
19 place Broglie
67000 Événement numérique
2 Place du Château
67000 Strasbourg
6-8 Boulevard du Président-Wilson
67068 Strasbourg
13 Place André Maurois
67200 Strasbourg
1 Rue de Bourgogne
67100 Strasbourg
19 Place Broglie,
67000 Strasbourg
2 Avenue de Périgueux
67800 BIschheim
23 Rue Boecklin
67000 Strasbourg
4 impasse Kiefer
67100 Strasbourg
17 rue René Cassin
67540 Ostwald
10 rue du Hohwald
67000 Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg
2, Place du Château
67000 Strasbourg
3, rue des Francs Bourgeois
67000 Strasbourg
6, Place de la République
67000 Strasbourg
44 route de la Fédération
9 place e l'Université
67000 Strasbourg
1 Boulevard de Dresde
67000 Strasbourg
4 Rue Blaise Pascal
67081 Strasbourg
7 rue Schweighaeser
67000 Strasbourg
27 boulevard de la Victoire
67000 Strasbourg
1 rue de l'Académie
67000 Strasbourg
31 Rue Kageneck
67000 Strasbourg
33 rue Kageneck
67000 Strasbourg
Place Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux
67000 Strasbourg
20 allée Nathan-Katz
68090 Mulhouse
39 rue de la Sinne
68100 Mulhouse
38 passage du Théâtre
68053 Mulhouse
31 Rue Fénelon
68200 Mulhouse
10 Av. de Colmar
68100 Mulhouse
Rue Jules Verne
68200 Mulhouse
Rue François Staedelin
68100 Mulhouse
Rue de Toulon
68200 Mulhouse
2 Rue des Frères Lumière
68100 Mulhouse
54 Rue de Soultz
68200 Mulhouse
1 Rue de Metz
68100 Mulhouse
10 Rue Magenta
68100 Mulhouse
3 place Unterlinden
68000 Colmar
6 route d'Ingersheim
68000 Colmar
Pl. des Unterlinden
68000 Colmar
36 Avenue de Paris
68000 Colmar
3 grand-rue
68000 Colmar
13 Rue d'Amsterdam
68000 Colmar
Ile du Rhin
68600 Vogelgrun
Scène nationale de Forbach et de l’Est mosellan
Avenue Saint-Rémy
57600 Forbach
26B rue de Phalsbourg
67260 Sarre-Union
20 Rue André Theuriet
55000 Bar-le-Duc
2 Rue Osmont
68160 Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines
Rue du Mattfeld
67190 Mutzig
31 Rue de Vire
67240 Bischwiller
68170 Rixheim
1 Av. des Rives de l'Ill, 68110 Illzach
68110 Illzach
10 boulevard de Nancy
67600 Sélestat
2b rue de l'Eglise
67800 Bischheim
11 av Raoul Laurent, 52100 Saint Dizier

Special conditions
Reductions are strictly personal and will be granted on presentation of the relevant documentation when purchasing tickets and upon entry to the performance. The number of places for which reduced rates are available is restricted and for certain performances no reductions are available.
Up to 50 % reduction
In the 3 cities
Young people less than 26 years old, Job seekers°, Disabled people°
(°Tickets ares issued on the day of the performance only upon presentation of a recent document justifying your situation)
Staff employed by the Eurometropole, holders of the Carte evasion
Staff employed by the City of Mulhouse
Staff employed by the City of Colmar
20 % reduction
Groups of 40 people and more
except for companies and special events
10 % reduction
Groupes between 20 and 39 people
Group reservations :
T. +33 (0)3 68 98 75 92 pour Strasbourg
T. +33 (0)3 89 36 27 91 pour Mulhouse et Colmar.
hors entreprises et événementiel
Suscribers of the Opéra national du Rhin
6 €
Holders of the Carte Culture Alsace or the Carte Atout Voir Limited quotas for categories of seats and numbers of places
Methods of payment
- Immediate payment is required when reserving tickets.
- You may pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or in cash.
- Tickets cannot be refunded. Should a ticket be lost or stolen, no replacement can be provided.
- You may exchange tickets, but no later than two days before the date of the performance originally chosen, depending on the availability of places in the same category and for the same production, and on payment of 5 € per ticket to cover costs. (Exchanges may only be made at the Box Office of the Opera House).