Opéra, Salle Ponnelle
Have you ever dreamed of a better or different world? Voix de Stras’ gives voice to your utopian yearnings, whether they are shared in public or held in secret, individual or collective, practical or completely unrealistic! A musical expression of the voices of Strasbourg, Ponctuations combines the audience’s voices and quotes with songs by Voix de Stras’. Written especially for the occasion, it incorporates the voices of the general public, gathered ahead of the performance via social media. Ponctuations challenges, questions and connects the two sides of our brain: the one that thinks and the one that feels.
Catherine Bolzinger direction
Haelim Lee soprano
Rebecca Lohnes soprano
Gayané Movsisyan mezzo-soprano
Mathilde Mertz mezzo-soprano
Manuela Rovira alto