Librairie Kléber, Salle Blanche
L’intervention de l’ancien député européen Alain Lamassoure a été remplacée par celle d’Emilia Koustova.
Sébastien Gobert is a French-born European journalist, specializing in the post-Soviet era and Ukraine. Based in Kiev from 2011 to 2021, he has covered the many geopolitical upheavals in this ever-changing region. His latest book, Ukraine : héros malgré eux, was published in October 2022. It explains the current geopolitical situation by delving into the country’s history and examining the strength and determination of the Ukrainian people. Sébastien Gobert talks to former MEP Alain Lamassoure, who has long been involved in the construction, governance and enlargement of the EU. They discuss the historical and regional issues affecting Eastern Europe and the way history is written and told in Slavic countries, with a firm conviction that Europe is part of its future.