Mahabharata in Europe
With Guillaume Bridet , Vijaya Rao Jawaharlal Nehru, Nicola Dejenne, Pascale Rabault- Feuerhahn, Kichennasamy Madavane
Université de Strasbourg, salle Fustel
The Opéra national du Rhin and the Université de Strasbourg invite you to attend a study day dedicated to the Mahabharata's reception since first translations from Sanskrit. Intellectuals and artists interest in Indian culture starts from the end of the 18th century, through the British presence, in the European academic world, especially in France and Germany, where Sanskrit chairs were created in the 1810s.
Designed by Christine Maillard, professor at the Université de Strasbourg, this day brings Indologists and intercultural relation specialists together discussing on the various reception of the Mahabharata in Indology, arts and literature.
Speakers: Guillaume Bridet (Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté), Vijaya Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi), Nicola Dejenne (Université Paris III), Pascale Rabault- Feuerhahn (CNRS), Kichennasamy Madavane (Author and Stage Director, New Delhi).