Ana Karina Rossi
Artiste lyrique
She studied piano and lyric singing at the National Conservatory of Montevideo, and thus acquired a solid musical foundation. In Buenos Aires she trained in singing at the National Tango Academy, chaired by Horacio Ferrer, then perfected her singing studies in London. She worked with Horacio Ferrer, the poet of Astor Piazzolla (with whom she recorded the album Tango y Gotan), the Argentine pianist and composer Gustavo Beytelmann, and others. She was chosen for the lead role of Dandy, Horacio Ferrer's last opera. With her rich experience as a tango performer on numerous musical stages and theaters around the world, she collaborates with artists from various disciplines. She combines the roles of producer and artistic director of multidisciplinary and multicultural projects involving dance, fashion, cinema, radio and television. She constantly seeks to develop, explore and exploit artistic boundaries in music, theater, and to offer herself to a global audience. At the same time as her singing career, she develops educational work and is present in festivals in France where she leads workshops and masterclasses. She lives in Paris since 2013.