Subscriptions ’23’24 / Mulhouse
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Subscription details
La Filature | Apr 30, 2023, 3:00 PM |
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individuel | Zone 1 | 130€ |
Zone 2 | 90€ | |
Zone 3 | 60€ | |
groupe | Zone 1 | 110€ |
Zone 2 | 80€ | |
Zone 3 | 50€ | |
jeune | Zone 1 | 80€ |
Zone 2 | 60€ | |
Zone 3 | 40€ |
Subscriptions (available at La Filature only)
For past as well as new subscribers from
Thursday 11th May until Saturday 2nd september 2023
Warning! After 10th June, past subscribers will lose their previously allocated seat.
The Ticket Office at La Filature will be closed from 23rd July up to and including 21th August 2023.
Box office opens Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 14:00 for all performances at La Filature and at the Théâtre de la Sinne.
Box office opening hours and reservation by telephone
. from Tuesday to Saturday from 14:00 to 18:00 . +33 (0)3 89 36 28 28
Information by email billetterie@lafilature.org