


Feb 14Feb 16, 2025
6 - 54 €
Age limit
From 10 years

Entracte included


Direction musicale Aziz Shokhakimov Peer Gynt, Le Receleur Carlos Reynoso Solveig Alysia Hanshaw Anitra, 3e Fille des pâturages Camille Bauer 1re Fille des pâturages Ana Escudero 2e Fille des pâturages Bernadette Johns Le Voleur Pierre Gennaï Peer Gynt (rôle parlé) Sørn Mermillod Petry Åse (rôle parlé) Yacine Bathily Solveig, la Fille en vert, Anitra (rôles parlés) Louise Coq La Narratrice Emma Da Cunha Le Roi des trolls, le Courbe, le Passager (rôles parlés) Dominique Grylla Opéra Studio de l’Opéra national du Rhin, Chœur de l’Opéra national du Rhin, Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg, École supérieure d’art dramatique du Théâtre National de Strasbourg


With the arrogance of youth, Peer Gynt frequently boasts to his elderly mother Åse, ‘I will be king, I will be emperor!” His vivid imagination not only fuels his wild ambitions, it also allows him to convincingly hoodwink his friends. After kidnapping a bride on her wedding day, Peer escapes a near lynching to become a pariah roaming the Norwegian mountains. He is welcomed by the trolls but provokes their ire when he refuses the hand of the king’s daughter. Rescued by the sweet Solveig, he does what he does best, running off far away from Norway, on a quest to find his true self.

Infused with Scandinavian folklore, the adventures of Peer Gynt, a rascally anti-hero you cannot help but be charmed by, first appeared in 1867 as a long dramatic poem. In 1874, its author Henrik Ibsen had the idea of bringing it to the stage, updating his manuscript and asking his compatriot Edvard Grieg to compose the score (interludes, melodramas, arias and choral pieces) to accompany certain passages, some of which were adapted into hugely successful orchestral suites. Devised by Alain Perroux in 2000, this concert version directed by Aziz Shokhakimov, at the helm of the Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg, reunites the twenty-six numbers from the original score, linked by excerpts performed by a narrator and actors to impart all the fantasy and complexity of this one-of-a-kind saga to the audience.


In Norwegian, dialogues in French
Surtitles in French and German